New Concord Highlights Veterans in Annual Ceremony


The Village of New Concord held their annual Veterans Day Ceremony on Nov. 11 in the Village Green at 10:15 a.m.

Mayor Brett Essex greeted those in attendance and then the uniformed forces were recognized.

Boy Scout Troop 510 were also present and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Robert and Carol Jones sing God Bless America at the annual New Concord Veterans Day ceremony.

Robert and Carol Jones sing God Bless America at the annual New Concord Veterans Day ceremony.

 Robert and Carol Jones sang God Bless America with accompanist Jerry Gibson.

During the National Anthem those in attendance were asked to remove their caps and placing their hands on their hearts.

There service ended around 11 a.m. with a moment of silence while  church bells sounded.

For more on New Concord’s Veterans Day Ceremony, check out the video by Orbit TV on YouTube.


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