University updates mask policy


Muskingum University has transitioned to a mask-optional policy. The decision was made at a university safety committee meeting and was announced to the students, faculty, and staff on March 25. The new policy went into effect on March 28. 

This decision was made in consideration of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Muskingum County COVID-19 recommendations, as well there being no active COVID-19 cases on-campus since the beginning of March. 

The safety committee of Muskingum University is made up of representatives from all parts of campus including athletes, academics, and administration.

The committee’s primary consideration was keeping the campus community safe while being able to continue in-person learning. 

Masks are still required in the student Wellness Center as well as the Testing Center. The classroom mask policy may differ from class to class, and Muskingum students are required to follow the policy set by each faculty member. 

“This has been a wonderful change for us [Muskingum University] particularly as spring weather comes so that we can interact more freely and more fully enjoy each other and the entire campus,” said Michael Malone, Dean of Students. 

The mask policy is subject to change if COVID-19 numbers on campus or in the community rise. 

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