Community meeting room to be upgraded


The Village of New Concord is planning to upgrade the current community meeting room in the basement of Village Hall, thanks to a grant from the J.W. and M.H. Straker Foundation.

The village applied for the last cycle of grants, but did not receive funding during the fall awards.

The Straker Foundation included The Village of New Concord in a new round of awards being awarded in January 2022 called the Starting Out Strong Award.

The Starting Out Strong Award will cover up to $18,000 to help the village renovate the current community meeting room.

This grant will cover technology costs such as a fixed camera, an audio controller and receivers, microphones, and a flat screen display to provide equal quality for those attending events in person and remotely.

“This will put us in a very nice place for not only having an attractive meeting room, but also having really reliable technology, audio and visual, for us. So, I was very excited to receive that letter” said New Concord Mayor Jennifer Lyle.

This project will begin once the grant is awarded in January 2022.

New Concord Village Council meetings reair Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at noon and 10 p.m. on WMCO 90.7. Meetings also air on Orbit TV New Concord Cable 1020 daily at 6 a.m., noon, 6 p.m., and midnight.

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