WMCO Artist Spotlight | The Jason Spooner Band


The most spun song for the Week of Oct. 21 belonged to The Jason Spooner Band and their single, “Those Satellites.”

Jason Spooner is currently in rotation on WMCO. Spooner has toured since 2003.

Jason Spooner is currently in rotation on WMCO. Spooner has toured since 2003.

Jason Spooner is a multi-award winning artist from the New England area. Spooner enjoyed music by Neil Young, Paul Simon, Jim Croce and Van Morrison as a child.

Spooner released his debut album in 2003 entitled “Lost Houses.” He then toured Europe in folks and blues clubs, and also performed on the streets in London and around Spain, according to the band’s website.

His music has been featured on rotation at Starbucks, on Sirius/XM, and on All Things Considered on NPR.

Spooner performs at a music festival. "Those Satellites" will air on WMCO 90.7.

Spooner performs at a music festival. “Those Satellites” will air on WMCO 90.7.

“Those Satellites” was released this year and it is a new single. It aired on WMCO 53 times between Oct. 20-Oct. 27.

Jason Spooner will be joining WMCO’s Top 20 chart this week so tune into The Orbit to hear more from him!

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